For Gestational Surrogate Mother Program, the Client (husband and wife) will fertilize the embryo(s) and the embryo(s) will be transferred to Surrogate Mother’s uterus.
Therefore, the Client will have their biological baby even though you (wife) will not give a birth.
This program will help you (wife) who can not maintain the pregnancy because of the problems in uterus, who can not give a birth because of health problems and who had multiple miscarriages. California is the most liberal state on Surrogate Mother system. Even if a Surrogate Mother gave a birth, the Client can put their names in a birth certificate. Before the childbirth, the Client will obtain an order from the judge in California and submit it to the doctor. The doctor will make a birth certificate and submit it to the district office. The district office will issue an official birth certificate with the Client’s name as a parent. After the Client returned to Japan, they will submit the certificate to a ward office in their area. A new born baby will be joined to the Client’s official family registry. On the other hand, in most of other states, the Client will have to adopt a new born baby legally.
- 12 steps of Our Gestational Surrogate Mother Program
- 1: The Client (Wife and Husband) will contact Mac Baby USA.(Please utilize our Inquiry Form for your convenience)
- 2: Mac Baby’s staff will have a consultation meeting with the Client. (We will explain to you about the fee and the risk of this program via E-mail or Phone call.)
- 3: The Client will come to California and take the initial medical examination at the clinic. The Client also will take a blood work that is mandatory for Gestational Surrogate Mother Program in California and pay Mac Baby $2000 as a deposit.
- 4: Mac Baby will provide you a list of Prospective Surrogate Mothers. It includes Photo, Age, Profession, Family members, History of disease and their motives of being a Surrogate Mother.
<Wour waiting time will vary by the conditions. For some clients, we can refer a candidate right away but for others, they have to wait 2-3 months.
- 5: The Client will contact Mac Baby after they chose a candidate. We will contact the candidate.
- 6: The Prospective Surrogate Mother will take psychiatric examination, health examination and blood work.
<Gf this Prospective Surrogate Mother and her husband reside outside of Los Angeles, the Client will pay their transportation fee and accommodation fee.
- 7: When any health problem was not found with a Prospective Surrogate Mother, the contract between Mac Baby and the Client will be signed. The Client will pay the Agency fee as a balance.
? Mac Baby will make a contract between the Client and the Surrogate Mother. Japanese version will be made by a professional translator. After both parties signed the contract, the contract will be send to their attorneys.
- 8: Mac Baby will apply for medical insurance for the Surrogate Mother. Since the procedure will take approx. one month to be completed, we will apply for it while we are making a tentative contract.
- 9: After the contract between a Surrogate Mother and the Client was signed, Wife will come to California for IVF (In-Vitro Fertility) treatment. Later, the embryo(s) will be transferred to the uterus of Surrogate Mother’s. Pregnancy test will take place later on.
- 10: The Client will come to California for applying the parental right. (20th week)

- 11: he Client will come to California to be present at the childbirth.
- 12: After Mac Baby obtained a birth certificate and passport for a new born baby, the Client will return to Japan.
About a Prospective Surrogate Mother
- Please refer to the followings as the conditions of our Prospective Surrogate Mothers、

- Reside in California
- Healthy and had an experience of giving a birth
- Age range: 21-45
Although most of Prospective Surrogate Mothers are married, we also have single mothers with a strong support from their family members physically and mentally. Since we choose our candidates in California, she does not necessarily live in Los Angeles. |