Egg Donor

Egg Donor Program

Mac Baby USA is the agency for Donor Egg IVF treatment in Los Angeles, California.

Egg Donor program is an IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) treatment with a donated egg from an Egg Donor and your husband’s sperm. After a donated egg was fertilized with your husband’s sperm, an embryo will be transferred to wife’s uterus. Currently, they say that this Donor Egg IVF is the most successful fertility treatment.

For an Egg Donor Program, wife needs to visit Los Angeles twice (First medical examination and an Egg transfer procedure) and Husband needs to come to Los Angeles for one time (First medical examination).When Cyst or Uterus myoma are found during the examination, the doctor will figure out if Wife need to take some procedures before an Egg transfer. When the doctor finds nothing wrong, the Client will be able to start the first Cycle after an Egg Donor is chosen.

9 Steps of Egg Donor Program

  • 1: The Client (Wife and Husband) will contact Mac Baby USA.(contact us)
  • 2: Mac Baby’s staff will have a consultation meeting with the Client. (We will explain to you about the fee and the risk of this program via E-mail or Phone call.)
  • 3: Please confirm the schedule of your first visit with the hospital.
  • 4: On the first day, Mac Baby will set up a meeting for Egg Donors’ profiles. On the second day, the client will have a first consultation at our clinic. Although your minimum stay in California can be 2 days , if there is a problem with your husband’s sperm, we will need his sperm next day. So that, Mac Baby suggests the client stay in California at least 3 days. We will give Wife hormone medications and needles to take after she return to Japan.
  • 5: For viewing Donor’s profiles and consultation, the Client will pay the deposit $1000 to Mac Baby. If the Client can not choose an Egg Donor at its first visit to Los Angeles, Mac Baby will continue to provide the information of other Prospective Egg Donors.
  • 6: After chose an Egg Donor, the Client will pay the medical fee. Then, we will have the donor checked up at for blood works, fertility evaluation, and psychiatric evaluation. at the same time, the contract between the Client and Mac Baby will be signed and the Client will pay the agency fee to Mac Baby. Then, Contract between the Client and Egg Donor will be signed.
    The compensation for the Egg Donor will be paid after closing the contract or before the hormone injection starts for the Donor.
  • 7: Egg Retrieval procedure from the Egg Donor will be conducted.
  • 8: Wife will come to our clinic in Los Angeles for Egg Transfer procedure.
  • 9: Wife will take a pregnancy test, see a doctor during her pregnancy and give a birth in Japan.