The Client will pay Compensation for a Surrogate Mother, Medical fees, Legal fee and other expenses. The Client can remit the money to Mac Baby’s account. For Compensation for a Surrogate Mother, the Client will use an Escrow account. From the Escrow account, the Client will pay the certain amount money (a tenth of full amount) to a Surrogate Mother on a designated day every month. The payment of Compensation for a Surrogate Mother will start once the pregnancy was confirmed.※If the pregnancy is not confirmed, the Client will not pay Compensation for a Surrogate Mother.
※If a Surrogate Mother has a miscarriage, the Client will stop paying Compensation for a Surrogate Mother. The balance in the Escrow account will be returned to the Client.
1.Detailed statement of the Fee
It includes the fee of IVF (In-Vitro Fertility) treatment, Embryo Transfer, Examination & Procedure fees, Medication, Compensation for a Surrogate Mother, Expenses for a Surrogate Mother, Medical Insurance premium for a Surrogate Mother, Medical Insurance premium for a new-born baby, Legal fee, Attendant fee, Applying fee for Parental right, Applying fee for a birth certificate, Prenatal check-up for a Surrogate Mother, Expenses of Delivery, Medical examination for a new born baby, Hospitalization cost, Air fare, Accommodation fee and Miscellaneous expenses. Medication fee varies by the health condition of a Surrogate Mother’s. Also, Medical fees and Expenses vary by the health conditions of a Surrogate
Mother’s and a new born baby’s. If a Surrogate Mother does not give a birth in Los Angeles area, additional Travel cost and accommodation fees for Mac Baby will be charged. Contract Translation fee.
- 2.Service of details:
- Referral of medical clinics
- Preparation for Medical insurance
- Referral of a Surrogate Mother
- Referral of Attorneys for the Client and a Surrogate Mother
- Preparation for other Insurances
- Applying fees for Parental-right and Birth certificate
- Care for an Surrogate Mother
- Japanese simultaneous interpreters for the Client at the meeting with a Surrogate Mother and a Doctor
- Transportation (Airport, Hotel, Clinic)
- Applying fee for a new born baby’s passport